Main Mitzvah of the day is to fast.

Friday, October 11

6:22 pm Candle lighting and Fast Begins

Before lighting the Holiday candles, light a yahrtzeit candle to keep burning in your home over Yom Kippur.

6:25 pm Introduction to Kol Nidrei - the opening prayer of Yom Kippur
6:30 pm: Childrens' program ages 6+ 

Shabbat, October 12

9:00 am Morning Prayer
10:30 am - 1:30 pm Children's Program
11:10 am Torah Reading

11:45 am Sermon followed by Yizkor 
5:00 pm Mincha Prayer.  
6:15 pm Final Prayer "Neila"
7:21 pm Shofar blast and Fast is over after hearing Havdala

For more information please call 416-222-7105 x 240 or email us at [email protected]