Rosh Hashanah Check List
Prepare for Rosh Hashanah 5785 - 2024
Prior to Rosh Hashanah
Sweet apples
New Fruit
Head of fish
Gift for family
Other foods connected with abundance and sweetness i.e. carrots
Enough candles for 2 days of Rosh Hashanah
Long burning candles (at least 48 hours)
Round, sweet, raisin Challah
General Cooking Tips
Cook without vinegar, and in general avoid sharp, sour foods
We also do not eat nuts on Rosh Hashanah
Beginning of Rosh Hashanah, Wednesday night
Before sundown, light a long burning candle (Yohrtzeit candle)
Light Holiday candles. Candle lighting time is 7:10 p.m. (say Shabbat and Holiday Blessing, as well as she’he’chiyanu.
After Arvit, evening prayer, wish all to be inscribed and sealed for a good year, see machzor for exact wording for men and women.
Kiddush- special for Rosh Hashana
Wash your hands ritually for Challah
Say the regular bracha, cut and dip into honey and eat
Cut another piece and dip into salt
Cut up apple and dip into honey
Make bracha … borei pri ha’etz DON’T EAT YET
Say special Yehi Ratzon found in the Machzor
NOW eat your apple dipped in honey
Eat part of the head of a fish
During this meal eat other foods that are connected with abundance and sweetness etc. i.e. carrots (tzimmes), pomegranates
Thursday Night | Second Night of Rosh Hashanah
Begin preparation for meal AFTER night fall, 8:09 p.m.
Place new fruit on table before lighting candles
Light Holiday candles from a pre existing flame, making blessing for Holiday and She’he’chiyanu. When saying she’he’chiyanu, have in mind the new fruit you will eat at the meal.
Before washing for Challah, all should partake of the new fruit, eat enough to make an after bracha.
Make an after bracha for the fruit
Wash for the Challah, and like yesterday, dip into honey first, then dip into salt.
Enjoy the rest of your meal like on a regular Holiday, no need to add the ‘symbolic foods’ as in the first night. We still do not eat sharp, sour foods or nuts.