
Morning prayer services

Sunday morning and Legal Holidays: 9:00 am

Monday - Friday: 7:00 am

Evening Prayer Service

9:15 p.m. (from after Sukkot till Daylight Savings) After daylight savings, mincha is around 20 minutes before sunset and marive is at nightfall. 
For exact times of sunset or nightfall on any date, click here.

After Pessach, the times vary. Please call Rabbi Jacobson at 416.457.6072 for timing of that week. 


Friday evening

Mincha services

Most of the year (from Rosh Hashanah until Shavuot) at candle lighting time.

During the summer (from Shavuot till Rosh Hashanah), 20 minutes before plag. For exact times of Plag on any date, click here.

Kabbalat Shabbat - shabbat evening services follows shortly after mincha.

Saturday - Shabbat

Morning services 10:00 am followed by sit down luncheon kiddush.

Mincha is 20 minutes prior to candle lighting of the Friday prior. For example, if the time of candle lighting on the calendar for the prior Friday is 5:30, mincha will take place at 5:10.

Mariv, the evening service, will take place at the end of Shabbat.